Here is the Bible book & chapter for yesterday’s trivia question.
Question: Who predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem?
Road map to the answer:
💡Read Mark chapter 13
During this study time, I will not be providing the specific verse so that we take the necessary time to read the full chapter.
Happy Studying! @Everyone
In today’s reading verse 36 really gave such confirmation for where the Lord has drawn me to up on His holy hill to wait & watch!
For many of us, being spiritually alert is not practiced yet for the same many, they are proclaiming their entrance to heaven.
Spiritual alertness requires more than the blessings of meals, being thankful for the start and end of every day. It requires a great responsibility to and in prayer and intercession.
Not all are called to intercede but we ALL are called to prayer. Prayer is the crux of spiritual relationship with our Triune God.
Being spiritually alert is not a worldly practice nor is it widely taught in enough households of faith.
Which verse in today’s reading was most impactful to you? Share your thoughts in the comments. 👇🏾 @Everyone