Have you ever gave prophetic word or witnessed a prophetic word, a word of wisdom or a word of knowledge given to someone and it wasn’t really received but when someone else gave the exact or similar utterance and it was well received by that same person?
Let me tell you why…
Just because we have revelation of something does not mean we have the authority needed or the “covenant” established to deliver the word to the recipient.
Don’t let this pitfall concern you, let it GROW you!
As we mature in our prophetic life we will discern when God is revealing for us to share the word or if He’s teaching us a PRIVATE LESSON!
Have you experienced this prophetic pitfall? Let's discuss ⬇️
Oh and mighty yes!!! The first time this happened to me, of course, it was a sadness that took over me bc I had to strengthen in my spirit man that not all going to receive a straight forward prophecy!
What I’m learning is, folk want prophecies to enhance their life in the material giving of God and rebuke the enhancing of their quality of life! The type of prophecy that is given to them that requires them
To self examine and do some work, it’s hard for them to receive. ( if they are not in that place with God)
I remember early on my journey, when God started sending me out and I would be directed to go prophesy; I remember once I would get home, I would hear the Lord say, “go wash your feet”
I learned at that moment, that someone’s heart rejected the word of the Lord! Now…. I say what thus said the Lord and forward March!